Saturday, August 10, 2019

Risk Factors and Causes of Male Infertility

Many people incorrectly assume that infertility is caused by the female partner, but it is not always true or often the case. Approximately 40% of cases of infertility are caused by male partner, and although there are issues that both partners can experience that may prevent them from being able to conceive, men are usually the factor that leads to either its failure or success. Here in Akanksha Hospital, also the best IVF Clinic in India, we help you in diagnosing infertility causes.

What is Male Infertility?

To put in simple words, male infertility represents a man’s failure to achieve pregnancy in a female partner. This can be caused by several factors – medical, physical and lifestyle - but the main factor they causes the ability is deficiency in semen and semen quality.

Ideally, a healthy male should exhibit a moderate sperm count with adequate motility through the semen. In addition, the sperm itself must exhibit a healthy flow through its various parts of the body, as well as produce an amount that promotes a healthy chance of insemination.

Examining and improving semen levels is the number one way to combat male infertility. However, to achieve healthier conditions, it’s important to know what signs and health risks can get in the way.

Symptoms of Male Infertility

Unfortunately, there might not be any noticeable red flags that indicate fertility issue, but there are several things to look out for that can give way to potential threat.
Issues with Sexual Activity
Testicular Problems
Health Issues or Hormonal Abnormalities

Medical and Physical Causes of male Infertility:

Along with having a low sperm count and poor sperm quality, there are many medical and physical conditions that can cause infertility in men.
Undescended Testicles
Various Infections
Immune System Antibodies
Blocked or Defective Sperm Tubules
Genetic Disorders
Celiac Disease
Medications or Treatment
Past Surgeries

Common Lifestyle Causes of Male Infertility

Living a healthy lifestyle is extremely important when trying to start a family.

Drug and Alcohol
Mental and Emotional Stress

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